Cód. 260825907 - Atualizado há mais de 1 mês
CONDOMÍNIO R$ 1.200 /Mês
TOTAL R$ 6.200 /Mês
O imóvel "Cosy apartment with the best view of rio de janeiro!" possui 1 dormitório, 2 banheiros, 1 vaga na garagem, aluguel por R$5.000 /mês, condomínio por R$1.200 /mês, 60m² de área, imóvel mobiliado, ar-condicionado e está localizado em Avenida Pasteur, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro.
soon as you open the front door you can see the imposing Sugar Loaf in the window! This place has a comfortable King Size bed in it's only dorm, which is a suite. The living room is spacious and you can seethe Sugar Loaf from anywhere. Kitchen is fully equiped and in a good size for you to cook comfortably. It also has air conditioning in the room and living room, washing machine, and all utensiles you may need.
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